Friday, 9 July 2010

9iii) Temporal Editing

Define Temporal Editing: is a duration of the clip and how time is shown. To condense time and to show the progression of time these types of editing is used:

  1. Ellipsis
  2. Cutaways

  3. Empty frames

1. Here an ellipsis is used as the clouds are sped up and the shot gradually gets darker to show a change in time.

2. Here there is a cutaway from main protagonist again to give the music video a sense of time

3. Here a pan off of the main subject to an empty frame is used to show a sense of time passing.

9ii) Spatial Editing

Define Spatial Editing: by the juxtaposition of one shot location shot to another, editing can be used to construct film space in any unimaginable way. This is known as spatial co existence.
Spatial co-existence gives a sense of space and place and allows the audience to know where objects are placed in relation to wach other.
For example in the Madonna 'Frozen' video there is a long shot showing the location aswell as the main protaganist, allowing the audience to spot the location aswell as the main protaganist.

9i) Rhythmical Editing

Defintion of Rhythmical editing: is the length of shots which manipulates the length of time that each shot remains on the screen. e.g pace, tempo and beat

Short takes and Long takes- the duration of the shot can used to build tension and also gives time for the audience to take in what they're seeing and ask questions.

For example in Madonna's Frozen music video, at the beginning there is a very long take until the camera pans upwards and onto her as she begins to sing. This is used to gradually release the audience into the music video aswell as go along with the pace and melody of the music, therefore enhancing and manpulating the mystical and magical mood.
This is the first moving shot/take that we see which lasts for approx 0:17 seconds.

9) Bordwell and Thompson- Types of Editing

Bordwell and Thompson- Types of Editing

Rhythmical, Graphic, Spatial, Temporal

What is editing: An edit is the change between two shots

To explore editing in further detail we looked at and analysed the Madonna 'Frozen' video to see what types of editing were used.

Thursday, 8 July 2010

12) Tunng- Jenny

Here I have learnt, having loads of shots of beautiful locations makes this music video more interesting as although the video is low budget these shots give it an overall high quality effect.

12ii) London, London - Ceville ft Devanda Banhart

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

3) Pop Music video analysis Roll Deep- Good Times

Due to a low budget, lots of different editing techniques has been used to go with the tempo of the soundtrack and to make it look more interesting, therefore taking away the low budget effect.

8) Conventions of a Music Video

*Close ups of the lead singer to show emotion

*Establishing/long shots of the whole band


*Frame/composition (placing lead singer in the middle)

*Crane shot to give an overview of the setting

*Whip pan/pan


*Midshots to show instruments

*Midshots of all band members

*Correct lipsynching

*Hyperbolic moments and quiter moments

* correct costumes/clothing to portray correct "band image" of that genre.

* low key & high key lighting

* natural light & artifical light


*Slow cuts at the beginning

*Slow motion effects


*Quick cuts/ jump cuts

* Fade in/ Fade out

*Wash in/ wash out

* Dissolve

*Make sound louder (at the end of the bridge into the reprise)

*Black and white effects

*Interesting/ correct facial expression of the lead singer

*Looking directly into the camera

* A jump from the lead singer probably at the end of the bridge, just as the reprise starts

* Guitarist and drummer not looking at the camera

2) Pop music video analysis Scouting For Girls- Famous