Friday, 9 July 2010

9iii) Temporal Editing

Define Temporal Editing: is a duration of the clip and how time is shown. To condense time and to show the progression of time these types of editing is used:

  1. Ellipsis
  2. Cutaways

  3. Empty frames

1. Here an ellipsis is used as the clouds are sped up and the shot gradually gets darker to show a change in time.

2. Here there is a cutaway from main protagonist again to give the music video a sense of time

3. Here a pan off of the main subject to an empty frame is used to show a sense of time passing.


  1. An ellipsis basically means a gap in the time shown on screen which the audience doesn't see. (e.g. a character taking the long journey down from his office into the the lift, waiting in the lift as it goes down 25 floors, walking the long way to his car etc.) The audience doesn't see it because its not necessary to the telling of the story.

    Temporal editing is the dimension of editing which deals with the difference/similarity in time between two shots.

  2. Good screen shots,however don't necessarily show the technique.
